Tuesday, September 17, 2024
LIVE Training via Zoom
9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. (MDT)
There will be NO training recording. Do not miss out on this training opportunity.
Training Description
Disclosure is an opportunity for adults to provide support, safety and care to children and adolescents who have experienced abuse. It creates a chance to connect to professionals who can continue the support and healing. Children have the capacity to be extremely resilient, however, the response to the trauma can directly impede or enhance the impact of the trauma. Children and young people may disclose abuse at any time, either purposeful or accidental, with delayed disclosure being quite common. The timing of the disclosure will influence the child’s immediate needs. Supporting the non-offending caregiver will also be covered.
Learning Objectives
- Identify signs of disclosure including coded, purposeful, and accidental disclosure. Describe strategies and tools to support the child or adolescent.
- Develop skills to support the non-offending caregiver whether supportive or non-supportive.
- Apply strategies to support the child throughout the justice system.
Alison Feigh, MS, is the Director of Jacob Wetterling Resource Center, a program of Zero Abuse Project. In her 20+ years of missing children advocacy, she works with students, parents, youth workers, faith leaders, law enforcement and the media to help prevent childhood abuse and abductions.
This training event is sponsored by the Children’s Alliance of Montana and the MCSART Program of the Montana Department of Justice Special Services Bureau.
Questions? Contact Dani Peterson at [email protected]