January 19, 2022
12:00 p.m. (MST)
Live Training via Zoom
Meeting ID: 868 3528 8463
Who Should Attend:
- Mental Health Professionals
- MDT Members
- CAC Staff
Training Description
This lunchtime “brown bag” will give a practical and straightforward overview of the neurophysiology of trauma. We will pay special attention to how working with traumatized populations can disrupt the autonomic nervous system and how this “secondary trauma” can impact our health and relationships.
Missoula is hosting this month’s brown bag series in the Vicarious Trauma Response Initiative collaborative.
- It meets one of our goals for professional development of staff so please share widely!!
- Plus the speaker, Dr. Colter Ellis is in Bozeman! Let’s give him a warm welcome and lots of support from Montana.
- Attached is a report written by Dr. Ellis.
Secondary Trauma in the Workplace: Tools for Awareness, Self-Care, and Organizational Response in Montana
Colter Ellis, Ph.D.
An Associate Professor of Sociology at Montana State University. Colter has studied trauma and secondary trauma for the past seven years and partners with law enforcement, social workers, SANEs, and others to create programming and resources for preventing and healing trauma.
Questions? Contact Dani Peterson at [email protected]